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Name : Dechen Phuntsho Age: 20                            Height : 180cm                               Hobbies: Drawing, Online game,                                            Swimming, Rapping, and listening music. Currently I am a student. Dream: to join Army          how I got my name?  I was not born in the hospital. I was born in the house which were near Dechecn Phu. So, my parent decided to name me as Dechen Phu ntsho(Putting my birth place name) 2007, I started my studied from my village, Wooling Primary School which is located under Orong gewog(s/j)   and studied for 1 year. 2008 to 2012, we moved to Samdrup Jongkhar and I continued my studies in S/J Primary school for 5 years (reminder: failed in class 2)   2013 to 2014, I started my boarding life from Orong Lower Secondary School. 2015, I came back to SJ and continued my studies.  2016 to 2018, due to family issues, I went again to Orong and continued my studies in Orong Higher Secondary School.   2019 to 2020, after I p


  Changes in Bhutanese Due to Internet According to Bill Gates, he said that “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”. Internet has become unavoidable in our daily life. It has linked people from all over the world, provide information and helped in making the future better and modernize. Today, internet is known to all the people of Bhutan and utilizing it but it was not same in 1950s, Bhutan was isolated from the outside world during the time of our second king Jigme Wangchuck. Due to world war 2 and war between India and British, king Jigme Wangchuck thought to kept Bhutan isolated in order to keep the country safe form the wars going around and Bhutanese were unaware of the modernization taking place outside. Later, 3 rd king Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck saw the importance of modernization and made Bhutan open with outside world. However, the changes took place when our fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck introduced internet to Bhutanese people in


 Our life is never straight! Don't believe me? let me tell you an example: A boy went for a walk his eyes saw an apple tree but desire came on his heart  Eyes cant go towards the tree so  he used his legs Legs can not pluck the apple so he used his hands Hands cant eat it so he put it in his mouth   Mouth cannot keep the apple so he kept in his stomach  Now it was all seen by the tree owner  the owner got angry so the owner brought a stick and beat him on his back even though his back did nothing wrong  but when his back got beaten, tears came on his eyes  ##the eyes cried because eyes saw it on the first place ##the eyes symbolize YOU and the other parts that helped you symbolize your FRIENDS, but the "Back" symbolize your LOVE ONES.  ##be careful for what you do ##life is a circle 


  what is a beautiful life without a beautiful death? what is beautiful mind without a beautiful soul? how is beauty define?? its for you to decided  Because its our duty to die ##If makeup makes a person beautiful then people should eat makeups to be beautiful from inside


  "When the door of happiness closes, another opens but often time we look so long at the close door that we don't see the one that is been open for us"