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Name: Dechen Phuntsho
Age: 20                           
Height: 180cm                
              Hobbies: Drawing, Online game, 
                                          Swimming, Rapping, and listening music.
Currently I am a student.
Dream: to join Army       

how I got my name? 
I was not born in the hospital. I was born in the house which were near Dechecn Phu. So, my parent decided to name me as Dechen Phuntsho(Putting my birth place name)
2007, I started my studied from my village, Wooling Primary School which is located under Orong gewog(s/j)   and studied for 1 year.

2008 to 2012, we moved to Samdrup Jongkhar and I continued my studies in S/J Primary school for 5 years (reminder: failed in class 2)  

2013 to 2014, I started my boarding life from Orong Lower Secondary School.
2015, I came back to SJ and continued my studies. 

2016 to 2018, due to family issues, I went again to Orong and continued my studies in Orong Higher Secondary School.  
2019 to 2020, after I passed class 10 board exam, my father decided to send me to Rangjung as it was one of the top 10 school in Bhutan.    

2021 till graduation, currently studying in GCIT  
