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Changes in Bhutanese Due to Internet

According to Bill Gates, he said that “The internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow”. Internet has become unavoidable in our daily life. It has linked people from all over the world, provide information and helped in making the future better and modernize. Today, internet is known to all the people of Bhutan and utilizing it but it was not same in 1950s, Bhutan was isolated from the outside world during the time of our second king Jigme Wangchuck. Due to world war 2 and war between India and British, king Jigme Wangchuck thought to kept Bhutan isolated in order to keep the country safe form the wars going around and Bhutanese were unaware of the modernization taking place outside. Later, 3rd king Jigme Namgyal Wangchuck saw the importance of modernization and made Bhutan open with outside world. However, the changes took place when our fourth king Jigme Singye Wangchuck introduced internet to Bhutanese people in June 2nd 1999. Internet were helping Bhutanese people to progress and benefit such as in communication, education and economics.

Internet took a big role in communication for Bhutanese people, before internet was introduced, Bhutanese were having problems in term of communication such as people were not able to communicate with other people who were far and 70% people were not educated to write message. Communication was verbally done by asking the travelers to pass their messages, but the messages being a third person it would often be reached late and incorrectly. The incorrect messages would often lead the receiver to misjudge and take wrong information. Today, a person just need to dial the number in a phone or text and with the help of internet they can virtually communicate with a person that live on the different part of the world at short time with correct message. People are now able to use internet as their communication barrier and it have become a powerful medium of communication in present as it connects people fast. 

    The internet has become an unavoidable part of our daily lives. It has brought people from all over the world together, provided information, and aided in making the future better and more modern. Bhutanese people benefited from the internet in areas like as communication, education, and economics. A person can practically speak with someone living in a different part of the world in a short period of time and with the correct message thanks to the internet. Internet has come a communication barrier, and it has become a powerful medium of communication in the present since it links people quickly.
